Monday, July 23, 2012

- 5th July -

AAAnd it's Thursday. Time has just slipped by.

Today is my group's slot for the nature walk. We took the path behind the university runs past a river. Lots of beautiful green, massive oak trees - I never stop getting surprised at the beauty of Segovia. It is a cold, overcast morning, the second one in four days. After some stretching, we spend 15 minutes just being still, each in (relative) isolation, listening and feeling the nature around us, and spending time with our own thoughts. Later we were told about 'organized chaos', how organisms like bees, carrying out seemingly random motions, are part of a functioning, balanced system.

On to Diogo and Joao, founders of the Transformers Project, who told us, as usual, about their project and journey. They spoke about building ourselves from things that we take from our barriers, and about making tough decisions - the cost of moving out of your familiar zone

Who are you?
What took you so long?
Now that you're here, what are you doing?
What would you feel when you've reached where you want to get to?
If you could do it all over again, what would you do?

Five interview questions from filmmaker Sebastian Lindstrom. These words carry so much weight. What took you so long? What took us so long?

Looking back, we have had amazing speakers throughout the conference tell us their own stories. Though some projects connect more with certain people, and some not so much,  having all these people talk to us really achieves its aim - all these seemingly normal people, sharing their larger-than-life achievements give us a sense that we are adequate - inspiring by showing us that we can actually forge ahead and achieve something.

One very striking thing is the way the speakers, like Diogo and Joao, just start talking to every single person they meet, whereas most of us at the start generally keep to those we know, then slowly get to know more people, and acclimatize. Maybe this is due to their experience, their habits of seizing the moment, jumping straight in. It is certainly something to learn from.

And today, we prototype. We bring together the previous days' efforts, construct models and put on finishing touches, and then we present projects to everyone else.

After dinner, instead of karaoke, we head down to the park and play football between the trees.

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